The Löffel® family a worldwide success
Always in line with nature The element Löffel is definitely the most versatile block of the whole product line. Relatively little weight and the high level of resisitivity render it possible to use it in most varying situations.
Its application might also be interesting in combination with reticulate tension rods for fortification (solution armaterra). The Triangle Löffel represents an important esthetic variation with regard to the traditional form of the other elements of the family. Due to its split front and the angular form it differs from all other Löffel products.
The types Big and Aquarium are the best solution to problems related to the considerable altitude of the wall to be constructed, to strong pushes to resist as well as to substantial overloading at the top of the wall. Their application might also be interesting in combination with reticulate tension rods for fortification (solutionarmaterra).
The element Arbalett has been developed in order to realise noise protections which are plantable on both sides as well as to construct containment walls for special situations.